Jamie's Jamberry's

Jamie's Jamberry's
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 on 10

 I've heard about this project from a few of my friends and was going to give it a try last month and completely forgot about it :( so when I was at my retreat this past weekend one of my girlfriends mentioned "Hey tuesday is the next 10 on 10, you gonna do it?" so I set a reminder in my cell phone to participate this month!

For those of you who don't know about the 10 on 10 project you can check it out HERE!!

10am: Checking in at ScrapChicks

 11am: Working on some miscellaneous invoicing for work

 12pm: Having me some lunch. Spicy chicken nuggets and a DP! :)

 1pm: Sorting thru my blog reader trying to catch up ... I swear I do work!

 2pm: We're doing spring cleaning in the offices today, so my duty was to mop, JOY!

 3pm: Catching up on some work emails, ick!

 4pm: Leaving work to head home! YAY, thank goodness the work day is OVER!

 5pm: Stopped by the mailbox to check the mail on my way home

6pm: Sitting down for dinner ... mmm Frenchbread pizza & hawaiian punch! :)

7pm: Enjoying some frozen yogurt and some Rangers baseball! :) I'm a happy gal

If you played along with Ten on Ten, be sure to link up on the May Ten on Ten blog.
To see my past Ten on Ten's, click here.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and show me some love!