I have been sitting here for a few days wracking my brain trying to come up with my One Little Word for 2011. For those of you who are unaware what One Little Word is here is a brief description: a word that you can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as you go about your daily life.It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities.
So I've decided to do it this year, and I've been thinking about my word for over a week now trying to come up with the perfect word for me. I have come up with Motivation. I need to find more of it in my life, more motivation to exercise, scrap, better my marriage, start a family, everything I just need better motivation in my life to accomplish things and better myself. So there it is, I said it and it's now in writing so I'm bound to it.
Soo ......
Great word, Jamie!!