Jamie's Jamberry's

Jamie's Jamberry's
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ScrapFreak September Event!

OH-EM-GEE! This month over at ScrapFreak we are having an all month even and it is going to be SOOOO much fun!! COME PLAY ALONG WITH US!!!

Each day we will post a project from one of the Freaks. Your challenge is to lift the layout and create a new layout, a card, or a project inspired by the daily layout.

***Reminder - when you lift a layout it DOES NOT need to be a duplication of the original layout, just use what inspires you from the layout!***

The Details:
1. To qualify for the badge you must complete 15 of the 30 challenges by October 7th (this is one week after the last challenge is posted)
2. We will be giving away a RAK to one person who completes at least 10 of the challenges. You get an extra chance to win for each challenge you do in addition to the 10 to qualify.
3. Each days inspiration is a layout, but a layout, card, mini, or project is fine. The point is not to create "work" for you to be inspired to create!
4. Its okay to combine Freakspiration challenges with Freaky Friday challenges as long as you meet the requirements of both.
5. All projects must be uploaded to the gallery and linked back to the thead for the layout you used for inspiration to qualify for the badge and RAK.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're excited about the challenges...can't wait to see what you create!


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and show me some love!